Get excited for the top recipes that you guys loved this year. It has everything from main meals, to healthy desserts to everything in between. These recipes are all healthy, clean and most are vegan and gluten free. There are a few low carb recipes that you guys loved too. Scroll through to find out what these were and add some of them to your New Year rotation!

These recipes will be a count down of the top 20 recipes! Keep scrolling and click on any of the recipes to be taken to that post! Enjoy!
That’a a wrap! I hope you find one, or more of these recipes to be a new found favorite! I hope everyone has a fantastic year!!

I link up with Deborah and Sarah’s, and the fit foodie mama’s Meatless Monday, What’s for Dinner
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Protein popcorn sounds like a fun snack update!
It’s so tasty!