Watermelon and Lime Protein Oatmeal Parfait
Servings Prep Time
1parfait 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1parfait 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. Cook oatmeal as directed on package, or how you prefer
  2. Let it cool and mix in the oatmeal ingredients
  3. Meanwhile mix up your yogurt
  4. Layer the oatmeal, yogurt and watermelon. Eat and enjoy!
Recipe Notes
  1. Want it all overnight? Don’t bother cooking the oatmeal, just mix up all ingredients in a bowl (except lime juice) and stick in the fridge. In the morning, add lime juice, mix and enjoy!
  2. I cooked mine first just to get more volume. Alternatively, you could use dry oats, mix your oatmeal ingredients into the yogurt and layer that way. It’s up to you and your preferences!