This easy 3 ingredient protein yogurt snack is a good way to get a healthy dose of muscle building protein, belly slimming probiotics and calcium. Perfect as a mid-morning, post workout or pre-bedtime snack. (AKA good anytime. It can even be dessert!). Keep reading for the recipe and an important consideration if you are picking a yogurt.ย 

so thick, creamy and delicious
so thick, creamy and delicious

Fact: This really is not the most ideal time for me to have started a blog. I blame being pulled for that night float and the repercussions adjusting my circadian rhythm back to normal (HA! As if that is a real thing for me, but hey one can dream, right?)

Fact: I’ve had been super stressed out right around this time due to:

-piles and piles of paperwork and requirements to be completed for my next program.

-modules to be done

-more and more fingerprints, licensing, etc ( I mean seriously… you think they would want doctors? But, I swear, things have to be so complicated). Let’s be realistic here…do they think I have a bunch of free time that I use to get into crazy shenanigans? Umm no..on many of my rotations, particularly the ICU, I barely can muster the motivation to make dinner when I get home let the amount of motivation that would be needed to get into said crazy shenanigans.

-I am now in the ICU

-I am working 6 and sometimes 7 days a week

-OH wait..I am also moving cross country in a few months to a brand new city and have no idea where I’m going to live, or how to get around.

-add all the other things… and I had been all like

I like to think I can hide how stressed out I am much better than this guy..just saying

So…you know..I just may have a lot on my mind at the moment. But, apparently, my brain was like…NOW IS THE TIME TO ADD ANOTHER MAJOR THING ON PLATE THAT WILL TRY AND EAT ALL THE FREE TIME THAT YOU ALREADY DON’T HAVE. Oh well, actually, though, I’m still surprised that I am finding working on this to be a major stress release…or maybe it’s because I can deny to myself that I have all these other things to do. Hehe

Anyway…so on the following days:

AKA ICU and call nights in particular..

cue easy recipes that I love, love, love and can make in a minute such as the following 3 ingredient recipe for chocolate protein yogurt. So thick and dense and creamy and sigh. The hardest part is making it last for longer than the time it takes to make ๐Ÿ˜€

ingredients for simple chocolate protein greek yogurt

Note on Greek yogurt: make sure it is plain with 1. no added sugar 2. plenty of live and active cultures to get the most benefits.

The flavored yogurts may taste great, but if you compare nutritional profiles you’ll see first hand just how much additional sugar is added. Not only is sugar added, but often there are artificial flavorings, colorings and other chemicals in it that you do not need. Refined sugar can lead to insulin spikes, diabetes (if you eat enough of it), and binge eating to name a few. It is best to get plain and flavor it yourself. You’ll get used to the flavor pretty quickly and wouldn’t be surprised if you find yourself craving the natural stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

What about you? Do you have any go to snacks that you love?

Chocolate Protein Greek Yogurt
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Chocolate Protein Greek Yogurt
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  1. Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl and enjoy!
Recipe Notes
  1. Be careful when mixing. Don't go too fast or the powder may poof out of the bowl. Start by folding the powder into the yogurt gently.
  2. Feel free to add in other ingredients, I do sometimes, but this is how I like it the best.
  3. The cleaner the protein powder the better, but sometimes there are other factors involved that might make the ideal protein powder prohibitive. (cost is a big one for me right now). Just do the best you can and check out the ingredients.
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