Flax, Hemp and Chocolate Chip Baked Protein Oatmeal
Servings Prep Time
1baked oatmeal 3minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1baked oatmeal 3minutes
Cook Time
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease an oven-safe bowl
  2. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl
  3. Add water or liquid of choice until batter thins to desired consistency
  4. Pour into bowl and place in over for ~25 minutes or until cooked through
  5. Take out of oven with care, top with nut butter and enjoy!
Recipe Notes
  1. Grind flaxseeds if you do not already have them pre-ground
  2. If you are not use to psyllium husk powder, (I use the one from vitacost, use the link above to save) start with a smaller amount (try 1/2-1 t to start) and work your way up.
  3. The best would be to use no-sugar added chocolate chips to make this recipe super clean
  4. Cook time will vary depending on how much liquid and psyllium husk powder you add. I like add a lot of powder and a lot of water to get a larger amount of baked oatmeal cake.
  5. I make my own nut butters, if you are buying nut butter make sure there is no added sugar or chemicals. The best are ones with just the nut (aka just peanuts for peanut butter, or just almonds for almond butter, etc)