Intro to Bulk Cooking: Grains and a Mediterranean Chicken Bulgur Bowl [Clean]
Trying to make your meals quicker? Try cooking in bulk to help! I’ve also got a quick recipe to help you use some of your bulk grains, vegetables, etc! This technique can help you stay on track with your goals and stay eating healthy.
![An Intro to Bulk Cooking Grains and a Mediterranean Chicken Bulgur Bowl [#Cleaneating]... And A Dash of Cinnamon](
So, disclaimer. I was trying to figure out what to write about next and I cam across this draft that was essentially written and ready to be published shortly after I started my blog almost 4 years ago now. Crazy to think it’s been that long! I figured the information about bulk cooking would still be very useful to many and the throw back to what I was thinking around that time would be fun for you guys to read.
As another aside, I get tons of questions about how I can make my meals so quick and stay healthy with the craziness of my life. The main thing that really helps me is cooking in bulk and freezing the leftovers after separating them into serving sizes. I love doing this with grains, veggies, meats, meals you name it! It’s a great time saving hack that I hope is useful for someone else, as well. Now to the throwback post:
I’ve been slowing telling people about my blog. Here’s how part of the conversation went with my brother:
HIM: So..anything new and exciting happening lately?
**Side note: In general, this is a terrible question to ask someone in medical school, or in their intern year.
This question always dumbfounded me. In med school, no joke, I’m embarrassed to say my answer was once “umm..well… I mean I’ve been playing musical chairs lately while trying to study? To the silence on the other side of the line..which in retrospect was the person probably going ‘you have got to be kidding me’ and me being all like ‘oh man looks like I need to explain musical chair studying..the fun and new game I’ve developed to entertain myself while studying!” You see, every so often I switch which chair in my apartment I’m sitting into study. That’s probably the most exciting thing that’s going on right now. That counts right?”
ME: Well…you see..I’ve started this blog.
HIM: Oh..and how’s that going?
ME: I have no idea what I’m doing
HIM: You know I sort of know about these sorts of things, at least on the marketing side. I do do marketing, you know. Want me to dig out an old book of mine?
ME: I don’t think I’ll be able to read it
HIM: Why? Because it doesn’t have any pictures?
True story. GAH, and so right. I mean come on, books with pictures are wayyyy better. I should also note that I still am very much a child. Some proof may lie in my Easter post…
Anyway, I don’t have time for that stuff right now any way unfortunately.
A question I get asked a lot is how do you have time to make all your meals? The main answer to this question is having a bunch of stuff precooked and either in my fridge, or in my freezer ready to use. This way I don’t have to spend a bunch of time cooking, I can just throw meals together in minutes rather than half hours+. Let me give you one example. So, I like to make grain bowls. They are easy and simple. I’ll be sharing some recipes down the road I’m sure. It pains me to know there are so many yummy bowls that I have made in the past that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to remember to reproduce and give to you.
Recently, I made a batch of bulgur to throw into grain bowls.
-I started with 1 cup of bulgur and a whole lotta water. (I always opt for extra because 1. you can always drain what is remaining, 2. If you let it sit, more of the water will be soaked up by the grain and you’ll get more bulk).
-I put probably between 3 and 3.5 cups and set on the stove to boil. Once it boils, turn down to simmer and let it go for about 30 minutes. In this time, prep something else, or do another task. Set a timer to remember for you!
-After 30 minutes, test it to see if it is done. If done, turn of the stove and LET IT SIT! The longer the better because of the bulking action.
-Once all the way cool, separate in to desired portions.

And there you have it, now I have the base for 7 meals in the time it too. These are easy to defrost, individual portions that make whipping up a meal super quick and efficient! Stay tuned for other ways to increase your efficiency in the kitchen!
Do you have any meal prep saving tricks up your sleeve?
Does anybody else do this?
Intro to Bulk Cooking: Grains. Cut down on your prep time and make your meals quicker. Mediterranean Chicken Bulgur Bowl #cleaneating Click To TweetSo there you go! That was my throw back post haha. Turns out yes, I did end up sharing quite a few grain bowls over the past few years. Here are a few of the dishes that include bulgur in case you are interested!

![Intro to Bulk Cooking: Grains and a Mediterranean Chicken Bulgur Bowl [Clean]](
Intro to Bulk Cooking Grains and a Mediterranean Chicken Bulgur Bowl [Clean]
- 1/2 cup cooked bulgur
- 2 oz cooked chicken
- 1/2 T pesto
- 1 sundried tomato
- 3 quartered artichoke hearts
- 1 T mozzarella cheese
Toss your prepared cooked bulgur in a microwavable safe bowl and defrost.
Meanwhile, shred your chicken into small pieces if not already done so and cut up your sundried tomato and artichoke hearts
Once your bulgur has thawed, stir in your chicken, sundried tomato, artichoke heart and pesto to the bulgur
Top with your cheese and microwave for an additonal 30 seconds, or until cheese is melted
Recipe Notes
If you don’t have your bulgur and chicken already cooked it’s alright! You can make your bulgur and chicken on the stove at the same time. Shred your chicken towards the end and then mix in the remainder of the ingredients until hot! Easy peasy. You got this
This recipe is easily multiplied it to make it for more than one bowl.
I link up with Deborah and Sarah’s, and the fit foodie mama’s Meatless Monday, What’s for Dinner
I love bulgar – and this looks so good! Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner party. Have a great week!
I forget about it, but yes I quite enjoy it as well!
I’ve done that all my life, pretty much since I was your age but it’s fabulous you’re giving out your secret. I think it’s something most people don’t think of; they think meal prep has to be a project when just doing a bit here and there, making a little extra if your making something anyway and stashing it can make all the difference in eating well!
Great post and your bowl! Well lets just say I want one right now! Looks delish!!
That’s wonderful! I wish I would have done it sooner. It’s such a great time saving hack. The freezer is my favorite space. Helps me bulk cook and waste essentially nothing which is fabulous. Thanks for your kind comment!